
Thriller - Final

As a groupd we have decided on a final draft for our thriller opening.

It will start with a woman against a black curtain. She will be wearing a white dress, staring blankly as several flashbacks of her preparing for a night out take place, followed by her getting into a car at the end of the evening. The following morning, she realises something terrible happened during the night and she can't seem to find any of her loved ones, get in contact with them, nor can she remember anything.

In summary, she is both the protagonist and antagonist of the entire film. Initially, she is going to play the innocent victim in all of this, not having any idea what has happened to her friends, boyfriend and family. To her, she was drugged the night before and now is trapped, living out a nightmare in which she is alone and terrified. In reality, however, she wasn't drugged the night before. Instead, something took over her and caused the horrednous events to unfold. She has no recollection of what happened or why it did, but an unknown number keeps calling her. Hopefully the person on the other end of the phone has the answers she needs, but first she has to find them.

We shall be pitching our idea to our peers soon, asking for advice and feedback afterwards and deciding whether we need to alter the story slightly, dramatically or just go in a completely different direction altogether. Soon, I shall post an audio recording of the pitch and feedback followed by improvements and changes we have decided to make.

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