
Treatment Pitch and Feedback

Above is an audio recording of our group pitching our treatment for our film, Withheld, to our peers and receiving feedback. We then used this to make and adjustments and alterations we felt were necessary.

Mr. Hood gave us feedback saying that the credits and camera angles should not be included, however they really help build up a picture of what is happening. We shall change the treatment so that camera angles aren't included, however.

We were very happy that people understood our choice for the title and our reasons behind it, as well feeling that it added something to the film as a whole.

As Jodie said, she hadn't heard our initial pitch and so didn't know what the film was about in its entirety, yet was very curious to find out more and wanted to know the rest of the story. We all felt that this was very positive and boosted our confidence greatly, as well as reinforcing that we made the right decision in using and developing this idea.

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