
CAM RAW's Thriller - Initial Development

We have been discussing various different possibilities for our own thriller, and have decided to include the following conventions:

  • The main story line will be a mystery and involve various plot-twists and red-herrings.
  • Blood/violence will be used.
  • The majority of the opening two minutes will be set at night.
  • We will use fast edits to create tension and action.
  • The victims are loved ones of the protagonist.
  • A drunken night out was the cause of the problems.
We have also decided to challenge the following conventions:
  • Music; we want to challenge the conventions of more traditonal thriller soundtracks by introducing new musical styles and elements to the genre (I shall expand more on this in a future post).
  • The protagonist will be both a teenage female, and will also be the 'bad guy'. We have decided to portray her as the innocent victim initially, however she is actually the cause of all the problems.
  • The credits; rather than have standard 'Live-Type' credits, we have decided to integrate them into the background and set of the film (more on this later!).
In a future post I shall upload images of our 'brainstorm sheets' on which we discussed many of our ideas and essentially let our creativity run wild. We used this to refine our idea into our initial pitch, which we showed to our peers and recorded their response in order to refine our idea into the final film.

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