
Top 10 Thriller Films

Here is a list of the Top 10 Thriller films according to IMDB (Internet Movie Database):

The Godfather
The Godfather II
Elite Squad 2
Pulp Fiction
The Dark Knight
Fight Club
Rear Window

This list has been compiled by people all over the world rating the films, so is public opinion and therefore a very accurate representation of data. 

Many of these films have directors who have filmed a variety of thrillers, and are almost specialists in the genre. David Fincher, the director of Fight Club, is also well known for the films SE7EN and Zodiac, both thrillers. Francis Ford Coppola has directed The Godfather Trilogy and Apocalypse Now. Finally, Alfred Hitchcock, who is often credited with inventing the genre of 'Thriller', with his movie Psycho. This is one of the most well known movies of all time. He has also directed The Birds and Vertigo, two very prominent thrillers that set new benchmarks when they were made.

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